Sunday, 1 October 2017

Starting java


First version released in 1995.

-1.02(1996) JDBC, Distributed objects.

-1.1(1997) New Event model,Generics.

-1.2(1998) Swings, for/in loop.

-1.3(2000) Autoboxing /Unboxing.

-1.4(2002) cleanup,Type safe Enums.

-1.5(2004) Varags.

-1.6(2006) Static import.

-1.7(2011) Annotations.


1992- Oak for a PDA on Sparc(*7).

1995-official release of java.



1999-JSE has base part and JSEis also called core java.


Java Standard Edition(JSE)


2.Java with embedded.

3.Java Fx

4.Bio java.


Q-Where java is used and using?

Ans-According to sun 3 billion devices run java.

 java is currently used in many ways.

1.Desktop Application such as antivirus,caculators,media player etc.

2.Web applications.

3.Enterprise Application.

4.Mobile applications.

5.Embedded system.



Q-Why java is so used ?

Ans-There are many reasons for java is used or we can say many features for using of java but main reason is object  oriented programming and security.

Object oriented programming:-OOPs is an approach in  which different  programs and methods are writtten.

There are three catogories of oops.

1.object based:-A language which does not support two feature of oops like inheritance and run time poly morph ism or dynamic binding.
Ex:-java script,visual basic etc.

2.purely object oriented:-A language in which everything is represented in the form of object.

Example:-small talk.

3.simple object oriented:-A language in which everything is represented in the form of object except primitive datatypes.

Just because of primitive datatpes java is not a pure object oriened lamguage.

1 comment:

Explanation of first program of Java

CREATING A SIMPLE JAVA PROGRAM In this page we try to understand java program, and this helps us lot more in building further java progr...